Monday, June 4, 2007

Chicken Crescent

My good friend Pam sent me this recipe. It is exactly the kind of recipe I need, easy with few ingredients. ...and it is SO yummy. Not sure what to serve with it,however. Don't know what happened to the picture...but while yummy, it's ugly food, so we may be better off without the photo! Now, I didn't want to make eight of these puppies so I used the leftover crescents and made some Veggie Dogs in a Blanket for Mark. I know many of you wonder if I ever cook for him...I have to admit, he does fend for himself most of the time but this time I did at least roll up some veggie dogs in a crescent roll and he was very appreciative. I should make the effort more often...

Pam's Crescent Chicken
1 can crescent rolls
1 can chunk chicken breasts
1 large can cream of chicken soup
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

Unroll the crescent rolls into 8 rectangles. Drain the chicken. Put small amount of chicken onto one rectangle, roll it up and place in baking dish. Continue until all are in pan. Pour soup over this and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 350, uncovered, for about 25-30 minutes.


  1. you're going to try this this week? let me know how you like it! Don't know if I told you or not, or if it's in the blog, but lay off the cheese a bit and I'd wait till the last 10min. or so to add it.


Thanks for your comments!