Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Anniversary!

Today is Mark and my 20th Wedding Anniversary. That's right, I said 20 years! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by... I thought rather than go on with a long narrative about the ups and downs of married life or get all mushy-gushy(I'm so not a mushy-gushy girl), I'd simply post a picture from our special day.And one from now. This is what 20 years of marriage looks like, folks :)Mark, I love you! Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy Happy Happy Anniversary to you both, I can't believe you got a photo of your hubby let alone get him to act silly.
    You both look so "mad" together, probably why you are still together.
    Cheers to another "mad" 20 years.

  2. Congratulations on 20 years of marriage!

  3. happy anniversary! you guys are crazy! 20 years. remember mark said"the only problem is time goes by to fast"? good job guys!!!!

  4. Congrats on 20 yrs! You both look so young! Now, not just then!

  5. Thanks for your kind words everyone! BB thanks for the "young" comment! Can't hear that enough! :)


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