Thursday, September 20, 2007

Randomness Steve Martin style

Ummm. What the heck???I thought I had a lot of useless 80s trivia rolling around in my head, but The New Show? Never heard of it! Must have been an SNL knock off or something! The rest of you may not think this is funny, but I think it's hysterical! And since I get to decide what the Randomness for Rhonda post will be...I'm going with the always funny Steve Martin!
Rhonda....Welcome Back! You were missed!


  1. Never heard of the show but doesn't he do a great job.
    Thanks for sharing.....
    You girls are getting me hooked on youtube and teaching my kids what I grew up with. The music, the film clips, they are getting an educations I can assure you.

  2. Having been a teen all through the eighties, I found this hilarious! I vividly remember the Michael Jackson original. Steve Martin actually dances just as well!

    Great find!


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