Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Big Fat Zero.

That's how much I lost this week. Good thing I'm exercising or it'd be a gain! Is it just me or do you completely lose control when you get stressed out and eat everything remotely chocolate and or chip like that comes within view/smell/thought? I HATE to be off track so early in the game.

OK, will try to refocus and do better this week. In the meantime here's a little song about exercise!


  1. No gain, excellent. Focus, and have a loss next week. Yup, being optimistic.

    Cute video.

  2. You are SO not alone when it comes to eating out of frustration, stress, depression, etc! It's not healthy, no, but you're certainly not the only one who does it. As long as this doesn't completely derail your desire to live healthy, you can pick up where you left off as early as tomorrow! I'm wishing for you a better week next week!!

  3. Keep up the good exercise!!
    And oh yeah! I know ALL about stress eating. I'm a PRO at it. That's how I got this way in the first place. Don't forget exercise is a great stress reliever!! I'm trying to remind myself of this one...

  4. Watching the video and cracking up! Love it! Yes, exercise is an awesome stress buster. Hang in there, next week will be better.

  5. If you're exercising then you are ahead of me. Also not gaining a pound is ahead of me:)

    Exercise is the hardest part for me, so I'm impressed that you are doing it. Even if it is with a crown of muppets.


Thanks for your comments!