Monday, December 10, 2007

Two down and miles to go before I sleep

Was this " I think I'll make my Christmas gifts" a good idea? Although I'm not making gifts for everyone, I'm making enough that it is becoming a bit daunting in the "I don't know if I can get this done in time or not!" way! I'm a bit panicked. Evidently not enough to keep me from sitting down to post about how panicked I am rather than getting my butt busy. sheesh.

I'm currently working on aprons for my friends. The style of apron I chose for them is not that hard. It's basically a rectangle of fabric with a waistband and ties. IF I would just get busy I'm sure it'd be half done instead of one. I find so many other things to occupy my time when I have something that needs to get done. Procrastination Nation...that's where I live.

IF I would stick to that original plan I'd get done faster too. For instance...this apron started out as a plain, no frills rectangle, but it ended up with gathers at the waist. Not a lot mind you, but it was kinda begging..."Kellie, I'm all French country...I need some gathers, here" So I obliged. Then it said "Hey, a little embroidered Eiffel Tower would be darling on my pocket!" so I added a cute little embroidered Eiffel Tower!OK, is anyone else bothered by the fact that fabric is now speaking to me? I have been taking a lot of cold/allergy/sinus medication lately...

Now that this apron is finished, I face a new dilemma. I think the person I intended it for would love the fabric but not sure about the gathers. It actually looks more like one of my other friends(for whom I bought fabu pink and green fabric). SO it's still up in the air who'll end up with it.

This one, however, I have a plan for. Alright, I've procrastinated long enough. Time to get sewing again!


  1. Great aprons Kellie. Love the tower. Must make myself a Christmas one as I'm doing the lunch at my place this year.

  2. lol I took the handmade pledge this year but then I don't really give presents so it's ok. I'd be frazzled if I tried. The aprons are very cool. LOVE the french fabric! Where did you get the embroidery pattern from? I've been looking for an eiffel tower one.

  3. Both of those are awesome! I can't believe you embroidered an Eiffel tower! Who wouldn't love that???
    You're much more adventureous than I am. Oh, and I'm on tons of cold meds, too. It really takes away the get-up-and-go, huh?
    Get well soon, friend.

  4. The little embroidered Eiffel Tower is so cute!! Good job Kell, I think it looks great! I'm sure whoever gets it will love it! :)


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