Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quilt Progress in Progress!

It's coming right along! This is the quilt I started back in November at my quilt class. I still have a triangle border to apply and the quilt top will be finished! YeeHaw! I still can't believe I'm doing this, that it's looking decent and I'm enjoying it! If you'd have told me this time last year that I'd be sewing with some success...much less a quilt top...and enjoying it...I've had laughed at you!


  1. WOW Kellie!!! It looks great.
    Love the pattern and the colours.
    May have to get the pattern off you.
    What size is it? Lap or single bed?

  2. BEAUTIFUL. I haven't attempted triangles yet. I have a triangle phobia. Actually, I'm just lazy that way.
    I love these colors.


Thanks for your comments!