Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby

We've had a nice little ice storm here in Western Kentucky. No electricity for two days now in our area and no sign of it being restored any time soon. I spent the most. boring. day. ever. yesterday in my house with no heat & no electricity. I thought I'd accomplish some cleaning, cutting out of patterns, but it was sooooo cold in our house that all I managed to do was curl up in the bed and couch with a book. Not SO bad, I guess. We spent the night with my Mother-In-Law last night. Today & tonight will be spent at my folks house while Mark's at work. I've snapped a few pics of the ice here at Mom & Dad's.


  1. bRRRR! Stay warm my friend. I always enjoy the first hour or so without electricity, then it gets booororrriiiinnngg.
    I'm sure you're all nice and snggly by now.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you have no power. I know it's not fun for you all who have to live there but I love those pictures.


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