Tuesday, April 1, 2008

...Speaking of Aprons....

After making the apple apron for Miss April, I feel like I'm back in full apron mode! Next week is Spring Break so I plan to be planted in front of the sewing machine much of that time. Minus a day trip to Nashville for some shopping with the girls, that is!

And now for apron news...

The sign ups for the Summer Sassy Apron Swap(say THAT three times fast) have been posted! The theme is Summer, of course! Click over here for the details! I do hope you'll join in on the fun!

There's a new, fun social network of apron lovers here. Thanks Pipstitch for the invite!

The Apronista is going to be giving away a supercute apron in the near future. Don't even bother, ya'll. It WILL be mine! Mwa ha ha ha!

I recently got the pattern for the Emmaline apron and I'm terrified to even attempt it. It's SOOOO adorable but it just looks hard to me. Supposedly, it isn't. But this is me we're talking about...domestically challenged, remember? Anyone made one of these yet? Your input is welcome!

Here's a blog that I SWORE I was going to keep up with daily! Confessions of an Apron Queen It's so chock full of aprony goodness that I know you'll enjoy it. Alas, I tend to be somewhat ADD in my blog viewing and forgot how much I enjoyed it. Needless to say MUCH has been added since I last checked it, but I'm headed back there. Good Stuff.

The Havana Nights Tie One On Challenge has been extended until June. Thank goodness! I have an apron in the works for this, but it has been an absolute nightmare to make. So I've stopped. Once again I am in over my skill level, but now that I know I have more time, I may pick it back up. The fact that I've had so much trouble with it may explain my fear of trying the Emmaline Apron!

Here is one of my newer vintage apron acquisitions. I love how full and swingy it is.
And my only chicken scratch apron.
Finally, I found this vintage fabric (one yard each)last weekend for just 2 dollars! I think they will make wonderful aprons!


  1. oh wow! Those are super cute! I love them!

  2. Great fabrics. They will look great. I too want to try chicken scratching. Looks so vintage.

  3. I love that Emmaline pattern! It makes me think of Stacy and Clinton because of where the ties are. I'm sure yours will turn out fine, Kellie. Then you can come over and help me make one! I like the chicken scratch apron. (I'm still thinking about that frosting from the cupcake post.)


Thanks for your comments!