Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And Ya'll thought I was joking about being domestically challenged...

Note to self:
The next time you wash a load of dark clothes that includes your favorite cargo camouflage capris, check the cargo pocket to make sure that there IS no cargo...such as an entire mini pack of kleenex...in aforementioned cargo pocket.


  1. OMG! Hang on I've got to stop laughing...... Sorry but I can't help it with a title like that.
    Can I help?
    Put them all back in and wash them again. It will get rid of most of it. LOL !!!!!
    You poor thing.
    Note to self "Check ALL pockets before washing".....

  2. I'd laugh and point my finger at you WHILE laughing but I just did that last week. Egads.......looks like snow! hahahahaha

  3. Don't feel too bad. Not once, but twice, I washed my husband's paycheck. This was in the days before direct deposit. He got REAL tired of walking into the personnel department and explaining what his wife had done...!!!

  4. Okay I chuckled when I read this post earlier today. I did a load of laundry and guess what?!? YUP!!!! LOL


  5. Holy crap! That really sucks! I threw a slipcover in with an orange crayon once. It threw crayon all over my dryer and then every load after that had orange through it. Wanted to OFF myself :)


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