Monday, May 12, 2008

Apron Day!

Today was National Apron Day. Needless to say I participated and I enjoyed it! I even whipped up an apron last night just for the occasion. The pattern is called "Lorelei" and it came from this book. I may be mistaken but I believe it is the same or very near this pattern. I plan on making some of these for the shop in the near future. This fellow is a student whom I forced who agreed to tie on an apron and pose for a picture with me.

Luckily I have some good great wonderful friends at work who are almost always willing to join me in my occasional bouts of silliness. Is that? Why yes it is! There's Southern Belle Mama looking usual.
Several other gals at work tied one on today...more than are pictured here. And these girls, unlike others of my generation, see aprons for what they really are.

One gal said about Apron Day..."What? is that something some man came up with to keep women in the kitchen cooking?" Yes, aprons, by default, are a symbol of domesticity...but not in the derogatory sense she meant. Aprons, for me anyway, also represent the generations of strong hardworking women who came before me...those women who donned their aprons and worked on the farms and in the fields, women who, during WWII, worked in the factories and returned home at night to care for their families, who labored at home to provide a good life for their children and husbands. And aprons are a symbol for the strong hard working women that we are it in our homes, in the workplace or both.


  1. LOL! Love all your photos but I'm about to go to bed so I've saved your post to read later......
    Should've known I could just have a "quick" look at your blog.....
    "I'll Be BACK!" did you get that Arnie acsent?

  2. You look so cute!! I love the apron! :) I love the one you made for Stacy's perfect on her!

  3. ya'll look like you are having so much fun!

  4. Oh, y'all look so cute! I didn't know you worked with Southern Belle!

    I'm finding that aprons have a soothing effect on me lately.

  5. THanks Ya'll! That apron IS perfect for bad it's mine. ha ha ha ha!!! But I think she needs one like it :) It's much cuter on her than it is on me!


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