Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Major Award

Wow. Two awards in one week. I feel very honored that my bloggy friends would think me worthy! Val(the lovely and talented), at Yarni Gras! and my dearest Pinky at Cheese in my Shoe were both kind enough to award me with the Arte y Pico. The "Arte y Pico" award which was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and talents no matter whether it be in the form of writing, artwork, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogger community. When a blogger receives this award it is considered a "special honor" and, once presented to you, it is to be passed on to at least 5 other bloggers who meet the criteria.

I am passing this award on to these folks...

Shea at A Day in the Strife. Who's creative energy and talent is so vast it is barely contained in his ultra cool red-brick bachelor pad. This guy is a smart, witty, lover of music and an insanely talented artist and photographer. He's been inspiring me since the day he was born! And I'd say all that even if he weren't my kid brother!

My darling Jackie at Embracing Accusation who inspires me every single day. She shares her thoughts, her faith and her life in Poland in her blog and posts some great photos and fun videos from time to time too. Yes, another photographer in the family. If you visit her blog, be sure and click on her flickr link for some amazing views of Poland and France.

Fiona of DragonFly Crafts. Fiona is one of my first and best blogging buddies. Fiona is so much fun...reading her blog is like talking to an old friend. And this gal is a quilting FIEND I tell you! She makes beautiful quilts and so many other projects. She's like the Energizer Bunny of sewing! You'll enjoy Fiona's blog!

Patty at Pipstitch. Patty brings the world of cross-stitch, embroidery, and other crafty endeavors together in one place so that the rest of us don't have to go searching the internet willy-nilly. She also does some lovely stitching herself...this for example. Patty shares my love of aprons and vintage things...and she's funny!

Angie of Many Little Blessings. Another blog that I find inspiring. Her life, the awesome "Works for me Wednesday" tips that she shares(one of my favorites is this one) her faith and her family...I find them all inspiring. And did I mention she also makes lovely jewelry? She does.

And a while back, I got this most excellent award from my bloggy friend Birdie. I apologize for not posting it earlier...I am scatterbrained as y'all well know. Go visit Birdie, I urge you. I love her funny and sweet stories about her life and family, and the crazy-gorgeous jewelry that she makes. If she hadn't already been given the Arte y Pico, I'd pass it on to her too!

Thanks again, y'all, for being so kind!


  1. Wow! Color me totally shocked! Here I was just reading along and I went, "Hey -- that's me!" LOL

    Thanks so much!!!

  2. Thank you soooo much my dear friend. You are just too kind. My reply is "DITTO". You were one of my first found bloggers and I enjoy our sense of humour. We are very much alike. (That's not a bad thing). xx

  3. Congrats, fellow award-winner! I wanted to peruse your site, but my computer is constipated today.

    I'll try again later.

  4. Thank you sooooo much for the award, Kellie!


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