Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm leaving for Europe in the morning.

The house is a mess.

I've tried on every outfit that I thought I would take and assess that each of them makes me look a) Fatter b)Dorkier.

I have nothing packed.

Yet I sit on the couch and watch Food Network & TLC whilst eating every 100 calorie snack pack in the house.

I'm starting to freak out just a little.


  1. I tried not to laugh when I read this. I'll have to apologize though -- I was unsucessful. ;)

    Have a great trip!

  2. too funny! you are just excited , YEAH! have fun!

  3. HAHHAA! You are so funny! :) and i can totally relate about the clothes and those blasted 100 calorie packs!!!

  4. I know you're over this now, but this is exactly what I woulda been doing as well.
    I hope you're having a BALL!!!


Thanks for your comments!