Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pure Geek

I've been over at Patty's. She makes me laugh and she posts lots of crafty/stitchy linkyliciousness on her blog. While I was there I found out about the Dork, Nerd, Geek test and took it. My results were...

Pure Geek 39 % Nerd, 57% Geek, 48% Dork Which one are you? Take the test and find out.
Then I read on until I come to this dare:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair - just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with the picture.
So I take the photo. But my pic is scary and Halloweenish, not in a good way. So I took three more pics thinking I might just lie and pretend that I took the dare, but then think "I don't wanna lie...where's the fun in that?". And besides I would feel guilty about lying...and that's no lie.

Yeah, pure geek pretty much sums it up.


  1. You always look good in your pictures, you Geek, so I can't believe all four were that bad. Next time, just do what I did and cover most of your face. Hah!

  2. Wow that would be fun - IF I didn't look like I do right now. *L*


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