Friday, January 9, 2009

Flashback Friday Popping and Locking

Going back to work this week hasn't left me much time for blogging, but I couldn't let a Flashback Friday pass without sharing another Dancin' Kim video.

It's the freshest new dance going down!


  1. wow. really.
    the funny thing is she looks like my half sister did when my dad married my mom... 1988. lol

  2. Hahahahaha!! I always love your flashback vids

  3. I just watched the Go Gos one again (yes, I am obsessed) and she totally sounds like a stalker when she says "I wish I knew them."

  4. What's up with her teeth? Are they extra large or does she have a retainer in?

    Not trying to be mean...okay, maybe I am. She's just too dadgum happy.

  5. hey kellie i tagged you in a silly little pet meme... play if you want, but no worries if you don't!!


Thanks for your comments!