Sunday, February 8, 2009

I've got the POWER and hey, it's good!

We have electricity! Yay! Although Kenergy has been messin' with us...flickering our lights off and on now that we're home and have a fully stocked fridge once again! Don't even THINK about putting us back in the dark, Kenergy!

I can't say enough how grateful I am to my awesome and most excellent brother for letting us camp out at his house and being the ever gracious host! Despite being displaced for well over a week, it was all good!

But y'all...sleeping in my own bed and padding around my own house can't be beat.


  1. yay kellie!!! so happy to have you back!

  2. I used to know how to play this song on a guitar like 30 yrs ago!


Thanks for your comments!