Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day-Sew Day!

view from the kitchen window
So we've been officially snowed in today...the snow yesterday afternoon and by this morning we had around five inches of the white stuff. Mark ventured out in it this afternoon, but not me! I am what you call a big fat snow chicken...I HATE driving/riding when there's slick stuff on the ground.

But I do enjoy looking out the window during and after a good pretty. SO I hauled my Kenmore to the kitchen table and positioned it so that I could see out the window AND have a clear shot to the tv set as well! Movies and sewing on a snowy day...I love it!
perfect place for snow gazing...or movie watching

This baby quilt top was my project for the day. I actually started cutting on it a while ago, but finally sat down to put it together today. Since I didn't really follow a pattern, I'm actually surprised it turned out as well as it did! The small blocks areDeb Strain Love U(Moda) charm squares that I found on ebay. I still have to find some backing fabric and attempt to machine quilt it(scary), but I am hoping the finished product will be gift-worthy!

And the dog...she LOVES the snow and can't get enough of it! She rings her bell to go outside and then just wants to eat snow and hop around. Silly dog!

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