Lately though, I've been feeling the need to blog more. And create more. Create a lot more.
I'm figuring out that other than when I'm with my family, the time that I am truly myself. truly the me who is content, calm, happy, and most satisfied is when I'm creating.
And I'm not picky about what I am creating. The mere act of sitting down in front of my sewing machine with a flat piece of fabric or on the couch with a handful of felt and turning it into something is thrilling to me.
Sometimes my creations are inspired by others, for example: this quilt top that I recently finished inspired by the likes of Gwen Marston and Denyse Schmidt.
Sometimes, I use patterns that other people have made and put my own spin on it with fabric choice or details. The apron is a purchased(Simplicity or McCalls) pattern. The elephant is Simplicity 2613. I chose to use a vintage pillowcase and added some of my precious Amy Butler scraps for a bow.
Sometimes, things are in my head and just want out, as was the case with Lars, Pete and this mini-quilt.
Lars |
I think I've mentioned this here before, but Facebook is killing me, creatively. I have little self control when it comes to FB. I can't bear to think of the number of hours that I put in reading status updates, updating statuses, looking at pictures of other people's grandchildren(children I've never met), playing stupid games, and taking idiotic quizzes. My FB addiction is not the only thing to blame for my lack of crafty time, however. If I spent the time MAKING stuff that I spend looking for patterns, no telling what I could get done!
Now, some might suggest that blogging is waste of creative time, but I'd disagree. As far as the blogging goes, I've looked back over my blog and it appears that the times I've been the most crafty and creative are also the times I've been blogging regularly. Even when this was merely a girl trying to blog her way through learning to follow a recipe, it was still a creative journey! The mere act of putting down my thoughts, gleaning inspiration by reading blogs of other crafty ypes, and journaling my creative processes is simply one more outlet for creativity. Additionally, the bloggy craft challenges and Flick Quilting Bees that I participate in allow me to use this crazy internet thing to be inspired to do something productive and meaningful. Taking the "Which Barbie Are You" quiz does not.
What it comes down to is this: My frivolous online nonsense has been far outweighing my creative time. And that's about to change! If creating lovely, strange, and useful things is what I really want to do, what makes me tick, gets me excited, then it's what I should be doing! And I plan to do it now. Starting today, Kellie Cooks...again!
LOVE the fabric in your apron!
Did you use a pattern for your "squares" quilt top? I absolutely love it.