Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vintage Thingies Thursday--Cupcake pics and a disturbing doll.

I just stopped by Colorodo Lady's blog and saw that she's still hosting Vintage Thingies Thursday. HoooRaaay...I loves me some vintage thingies!

A few weeks ago the mister and I went up to Grand Rivers KY to see replicas of the Nina and the Pinta. On our way to and from, we stopped at some antique shops and flea markets. For my reappearance at VTT, I thought I'd share some things that I bought and a couple I left behind.

I love these little cupcake pics! I've been wanting some forever and don't come across them very often. These are smaller than the ones you normally see. So sweet! I should totally make mini cupcakes, and soon!

I fell in love with this vintage apron(surprise, surprise) with it's 60's calico cat and dog print and adorable green gingham ties/pocket detail! I think I gave a whopping three bucks for it. I would have paid more. Just sayin'.

Apron  Fabric

And what did I pass up?

Weeeellll.....THIS. I don't think an explanation of why I left this behind is really necessary, is it?


I Care. And I'm Creepy.

Can't get  enough vintage thingies? Head on over to Colorodo Lady's blog for more vintagey goodness!


  1. You took advantage of your time on the trip for some great shopping. All the vintage goodies are perfect for VTT.

  2. LOL! I think you made a good choice to leave those items behind. But I do love your cute kitty apron!!

  3. I don't know WHY anyone was ever attracted to those big eyed weird statues. I LOVE the cupcake picks. I have some pink and some blue little boys that were my grandmas. I was just looking at them thinking I better use them soon or I will force myself to get rid of them!

  4. I think the things you left behind are just as much as the things you actually did buy. Hope you have fun with your cupcake picks.

  5. I remember my mom had a huge box of this type of cupcake pics. I loved it and I do think she had these very ones! Cute apron too!! Happy VTT!


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