Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Excess --OR-- Online Shopping, Thou Art Satan

I was terribly excited to receive the following books this week:

Once they arrived, I spent about an hour leafing through them, reading bits and pieces and perusing the photos.

And then I thought to myself, "Did I really just buy books about how to date fabric?  Fabric Dating? REALLY?" Good Grief.

I don't collect feedsacks or vintage fabrics, I certainly can't afford to collect vintage quilts. Honestly, I don't know what came over me other than a whim to pick these up. I'm working on a 30's repro quilt, but I can buy those prints at my local quilt shop. I've since rationalized that they might come in handy to my husband's antique mall booth---he may pick up some vintage quilts that need dating at some point. And actually, the Making History book is quite a fascinating read and does include several projects, so I don't feel as bad about buying that one. Who knows, perhaps the other two will prove invaluable some day.

As I was putting the books away, I realized that I am completely overrun with quilting, sewing, and craft project books. To the point that it's ridiculous. If I live a hundred years, I'll never complete all those projects. The thought of the money that's gone into those dust collectors is sad.

So I've made a decision.

I will not buy another project book. Not one. Until I finish a minimum of at least five different projects from five different books. And those that I don't use and don't think I ever will use...I'm going to donate to my local library. Goodness knows they don't have an abundance of craft books. I could furnish the entire 646 section!

And then there's fabric. Don't even get me started!! All I'll say right now is that it looks like JoAnn Fabrics threw up in my sewing room. Here's the decision on fabric for now...

 No more QUILTING fabric(unless it is for backings). If I can't use what I have to make a quilt, I just won't make one!

I feel pretty confident I can stick to both of these new rules. I'm gonna try to stay away from Amazon.com, Etsy.com and the like for as long as possible!

1 comment:

  1. Is there something wrong with me? Because I would totally love those books and wouldn't feel guilty for a second.

    I need to put a halt on my fabric and book buying too. Sounds like our stashes are very similar.


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