Friday, June 26, 2009

Finished for Friday...Groovy Elephant

I would love to be able to say that I've whipped up four or five aprons and other goodies for my empty Etsy shop this week, but nope. I did, however, finish one little sewing project!

I've been wanting to try making another toy since I made these two. This particular doll only uses two pattern pieces, so I thought it'd be easier. And it was...for the most part.
The pattern I used is Simplicity 2613, which shows the toys done up using 30's repro prints, and they are darling. I didn't want to cut into any of my 30's prints for a first time project, so instead, I used a thrifted sheet that I found for .25 at St. Vincent DePaul. My mom bought these same sheets in the 70's...probably at Kmart or Sears since those are the two main stores I remember shopping at as a kid.Believe it or not, I had the most trouble with the felt eyes. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how to get them on neatly. I tried sewing them can't see it but I made a mess of them. Next time, I think I'll just use fabric glue and embroider the eyelashes only...or use safety eyes...or buttons.

I have a giraffe cut out to try next and hopefully this WILL be the week that I get some more things finished.

With this new puppy in the house, it's hard to get anything done! I feel like I spend 3/4 of my day following her around making sure she isn't peeing/pooping/chewing! But it's so worth it...Mark and I are in love with this dog! I've been given advice from several friends saying to think of her kennel as a today, baby's going in the crib for a while so I can get something done!


  1. That turned out so well! I love the contrast between the fabric you used for the body and the little bow!

  2. they are soooo cute!
    may have to go shopping for this pattern soon...
    have a great weekend.

  3. that fabric is perfect for the little "elliephant" :-) Too cute!

  4. he's cute!! Felt eyes are a pain so I tried safety eyes. Only I got them uneven so the toy looked crap and I never used the other 9 pairs I bought at great expense lol.

    I've never had to toilet train an animal so I have so much respect for you doing that but yes, make sure you get some 'mama time' too!

  5. That elephant is so stinking cute! Nice work.

    When we fostered for boxer rescue, we had to crate train all the dogs. Then when we adopted them out, we reminded the adopters that they would leave their children home unattended. Look at a dog crate as a day care, play pen, crib, whatever. We also always fed them in the crate so they would not associate the crate as a BAD thing. Hang in there.


Thanks for your comments!