Monday, April 19, 2010

Blah Blah Blog

I haven't been in a very bloggy mood lately. What I have been is lazy and running waaaay behind. I'd hoped to have had about 20 aprons ready to take to an art/craft fair/flea mkt. at the local Mule Day celebration on May 1st. Right now I have 10 made. I'm so slow at sewing and I get distracted VERY easily. Honestly, if I get 20 done, it'll be a miracle. Still, the booth only cost me 25 bucks, so I figure if I sell a couple of aprons I'll have my money back and it should be a fun day. It's all good.

Despite it's awesome name (Material Girls) the sewing group we started at school didn't really pan out like I had hoped. We all wanted to come home at the end of the day instead of staying at school for sewing time! All is not lost, however, because I've joined a new local sewing group. This new group is going to be awesome. The gals are all young and energetic with lots of good ideas that they freely share. I'm excited!

So that's it. My house is a complete pit and I need to look past and ignore the dirt and sew sew sew aprons for Mule Day. "Sew", I'm out for a while.

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