I must say this: "Thank You Amy Karol and your awesome book, Bend the Rules Sewing!" If AK were here right now, I would hug her and probably cry tears of joy. Not a slobbery, sobbing cry... just a tear or two from each eye..moist eyes really, not even an actual cry...just an outward showing of my inward jubilation! sigh.
Though not as difficult as I imagined it would be, it wasn't exactly easy. Or at least it didn't seem so at the time. Pinning the top to the batting and the backing was a pain. I think it took me three tries to get it right. It didn't help that while I was crawling on the floor tending to this particular task I had two cats rolling around on top of it! My sewing machine decided to get crazy on me a time or two and the fabric did some weird puckery things while sewing those long strips. And then there was the fun of hand stitching on the binding...hence the millions of needle sticks on my fingers! The upside of that is that I sorta know how to use a thimble now...sorta. I learned a lot in the process and I have the confidence to try it again. I'm sure I can improve next go 'round.
So now I have made this quilt and although the colors match absolutely nothing in my house, I feel about it the way I feel about the yellow apron. Attatched. It's my first attempt at making a quilt, after all!
I think I'll keep it in the car since Mark freezes me when we are driving. I'll stay nice and cozy on road trips this winter.